Stuckinthird is an all terrain vehicle online review show. Take note that, we are not your normal/average review show, instead we are doing it in our own way, this show will have drama, emotion… makes you laugh, annoyed, surprised, hate, happy, confused…. We don’t want to be expected, unexpected is the word to describe what stuckinthird is!! Let’s just say not everyone can afford to own a Ferrari, Lamborghini… The reality is….we are all stuckinthird.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A VERY Special Christmas and New Year wish

instead of a card we did Video Card Wishes!!!Awesome rite!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

5 things that Malaysia drivers won't admit that they do it...but They DO

This Can Happen

1. No signal light
sial,babi,asshole....and etc. This will come out when....ur driving on a straight road, listening to Taylor swift, minding your own business...then suddenly,a car just cuts your lane without even giving signal!!wat the hell!!

2. The look
people make mistakes...i remember this one incident,i was changing cd's at the traffic light,i didn't notice it turned the car behind i moved..then the car behind speed,went beside me then gave me the look,the eye piercing, mean , i will kill u look...i mean c'mon at least say fuck u or give me a finger...

3. Cutting Lines
have u guys ever experienced this...your queuing to pay the toll then suddenly this f###ing car cuts the line...what makes them think their time is much more important than ours...

4. What??!! senyum pun tak
Mana budi bahasa??dah bagi jalan..not even a a least

5. Go fast after making a mistake

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Today's hot breaking cracking news - Stuckinthird, will drown in 5 years?;going underwater..?

After a failed stunt attempt with the Myvi, finally eesa sampai,Her pants were torn because of a fight with a weasel...the shoot today,she is playing the part as a newscaster,pang chin fey, the tv3 newscaster, wanted to do sumtin like karam singh walia but her arms can't swing so much, injured while bike riding disebabkan oleh merempit the day before n she didn't warm up,kayuh laju2, main willy the bike, cool hobby though...our office has a leaking problem not a massive problem yet but thinking it will in the near future,hmmm Solaris....their fault, n our rigging guy Miji came to discuss for the custom made rigging we r doing sumtin like the Merlin cam,check out youtube search on how to build a merlin cam, really cool, cheap solution and it works, n also our under water casing for the flip HD works!!!great!! underwater shot satu!!!nak satu e-mail us, we will get it for u takes round 3 weeks...N also our Teaser, will come out on Monday!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Not gonna Happen

while waiting for our hot cute host for a shooting on saturday morning..wanted to do a Michael Jackson trademark stance the hand on the private parts thing and finish it off with a cool moon walk on this car but tak jadi bcs there were people...and the car is not ours...lucky day for the Myvi..ended up doing the Egyptian dance but.....FAIL,

On our way to...

on the way to shooting, we were sumwhere near Shah Alam, luckily there was no jam n x Rain,the weather forecast that thay weren't so convincing but what the hell we just went ahead,had our 1st shooting in the mornoing at 10am,got back at 3 then went out again to review the old satria, we were lucky eesa was there...making the old bashed up car looks bit sexier...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sexy pulak muka host stuckinthird

Sexy + banyak gigi = eesa

budak 14 tahun video tersebar di malaysia

apa nak jadi ngan budak zaman sekarang..aiyoo, wait until 18 or i was reading today's newspaper i came across this story, just gets younger every year, we don't wanna be like UK the youngest mum is 11 years old!!!shit crazy rite well maybe it's just a trend over there, it's cool to have a baby, ahhh the power of celebrities,influencing infants...well at least when they do it they can pay sum1 to take care of them, because they are filthy rich...or just take anak angkat..oh and Malaysia won gold cool n awesome malaysia BOLEH!!!! after 20 years!!!!hopefully we will finally enter the world cup finals..well i'd like to see that b4 i die though so cepat skit ahh Harimau Senior, gigit buntut brazil ke england ke...

while editing video...

passing the top 10 chicks that we wana have romantic activities, got asian chicks european chicks...haha just mucking around


it's a martial arts move, the power within

Stress + Crazy = Editing n lots of farts...really a lot

Mugshot the hammer dumbell bandit,he robbed the kedai runcit Ho Liao...

Inspirational Hat

Not for SALE

'Host on computer'

Banyaknye gigi

Farouq Executive Producer

nice,honest,intelligent,smart-working,good looking.....hahahaa well don't wana be bias bcs i'm the one who is currently writing stuckinthird's blog,well all i can say is i'm passionate bout stuckinthird and i believe it will prosper..


don't even think about messing with him when he is angry he will strangle u n punch u kinda of like 'Hulk', haizul is funny, witty, has opinions on everything..likes to go Klang to search for inspirations,farts a lot when he is editing, likes to drink kopi Hang Tuah...known as mambo, mondok(abg roni gave the name),jo, Adam James Johnson, he almost became an actor..but he rejected because acting to him...well he is just not interested


he is italian...
well no he is a mix of penang and kelantan, girls are crazy for him, he has the ability too wooo the ladies without even saying anything,no really he doesn't have too,it's like he is this magnetic field of attraction, likes nasi dagang, warm water, likes football, he is like that guy in the keys to the vip guy Chris, so check it out, he is a perfectionist, prince soon to be king of pirate, likes to dance like elvis presley, when he is bored....he goes interesting...hmmm if u see him call him Armando de Funghi


he looks the part, seems like he can do it, has the flair, has the hair, looks like a barney junkie, what the hell let's hire him..haha this guy he has weird opinions on evrything interesting yet stupid, use to be an actor, his ambition is to be a director...well he is now since we started, he used the name temujin before because he thinks he is genghis khan,he had dreams bout that barbarian turned good guy dude,so he decided to use his real name temu jin,watch the movie if u need more info...creative,enthusiastic,likes sampoerna,likes torn pants, has a GF named Cyntantuya...he has fb go check if u wanna know more

Razlan Head MACHAI

don't be fooled by the picture, because ur fooled haha he doesn't know anything bout shooting, but he can do it, he is very versatile...he can turn a person into 'abg lan's little monster' he is just starting to work out he does sets in the morning because he wants to get back to size girls....well yeah u know the drill, furthermore he has been majorly influencing the slick ricks, he is the jedi master.. jar jar binks

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Roni is known for his unique way of going fast in a is so unique, that it made a. samad said's beard and hair go white, thinking bout it...the way he does it is turning off the air cond and accelerates!!lame ahhahah...anyway he is an intelligent man,witty,when he sees a hot chick he 'covers'as if he doesn't like it but when he goes to a mamak stall he's talking about it all excited n enthusiastic...he has lots of great ideas..stuckinthird is one of out there's more to look out for...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Test video 2

eesa cool crazy intelligent silly Host

cik esah likes to wear big glasses between her eyebrows and nostrils. she likes cats....really loves them she literally is a cat inside n her human body is just a decoy to takeover the world, she doesn't like to ride bicycle with brakes because she is an adrenaline junkie n because she thinks that brakes are overrated,she just uses her big ass shoegrip,she eats,sleep and drink Air Assam epal...P.S. don't make her laugh...she will haunt u like vampire...not the one in twilight

test video