Stuckinthird is an all terrain vehicle online review show. Take note that, we are not your normal/average review show, instead we are doing it in our own way, this show will have drama, emotion… makes you laugh, annoyed, surprised, hate, happy, confused…. We don’t want to be expected, unexpected is the word to describe what stuckinthird is!! Let’s just say not everyone can afford to own a Ferrari, Lamborghini… The reality is….we are all stuckinthird.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

5 things that Malaysia drivers won't admit that they do it...but They DO

This Can Happen

1. No signal light
sial,babi,asshole....and etc. This will come out when....ur driving on a straight road, listening to Taylor swift, minding your own business...then suddenly,a car just cuts your lane without even giving signal!!wat the hell!!

2. The look
people make mistakes...i remember this one incident,i was changing cd's at the traffic light,i didn't notice it turned the car behind i moved..then the car behind speed,went beside me then gave me the look,the eye piercing, mean , i will kill u look...i mean c'mon at least say fuck u or give me a finger...

3. Cutting Lines
have u guys ever experienced this...your queuing to pay the toll then suddenly this f###ing car cuts the line...what makes them think their time is much more important than ours...

4. What??!! senyum pun tak
Mana budi bahasa??dah bagi jalan..not even a a least

5. Go fast after making a mistake

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