Stuckinthird is an all terrain vehicle online review show. Take note that, we are not your normal/average review show, instead we are doing it in our own way, this show will have drama, emotion… makes you laugh, annoyed, surprised, hate, happy, confused…. We don’t want to be expected, unexpected is the word to describe what stuckinthird is!! Let’s just say not everyone can afford to own a Ferrari, Lamborghini… The reality is….we are all stuckinthird.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Behind the scenes,raw and rated "JUJUR". Pt.1

We don't think we got it out there yet,tentang apakah StuckinThird? The idea came up when Roni had this idea of having a car review show that's similar to TopGear...but then, with a Malaysianized concept. Came Matin

He came into the picture with his experience in the entertainment industry, one thing lead to another..he came up with a brilliant idea of doing with a different angle, Drama + Vehicle review!!! Mula lah Matin scouting for a passionate team who are interested in producing film...tgk atas, then tgk tepi...He found Mambo, who is a techy guy, and Zainal who is a perfectionist.Although no connection to film production...but they are passionate about it

Setelah countless brainstorming session and with a promise of a financial backup from the Grant....everything was set. Dengan pertolongan the CEO's of Urekalabs,with the paperworks on the way to apply for the Grant, all pumped up,we are set to kick off this great idea!!...

to be continued

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